we r the streetz
Block Runners Entertainment, based in Atlanta GA, is an American record company founded by B.Durty, in 2000
The name Block Runners means We R The Streetz. with a roster that includes a broad array of both local artist and international superstars.
Durty originally set up two nominally separate labels (Bad Az Music Group and Block Runners) that later merged in to the power house today.
On 12/26/2015 Block Runners became Block Runners Entertainment and is distributed by The Island Def Jam Digital Distribution and SUGO Music Group. Block Runners offers a new digital-age service alternative to songwriters, artists and rights owners in the music industry. It is a rights management company equally representing music publishing and recording rights. Block Runners places the needs of writers and artists at the heart of its business model, based on core values of fairness, transparency and excellent service.
We aim to combine the scale and muscle of a major music company with the service and passion of an independent one.
We recognizes that no two writers or artists are the same and so offers a bespoke and modular service that may include creative and commercial services, music rights licensing and administration, royalty collection and tracking, funding and investment.
Block Runners is structured as "one-company, many-offices" with functional teams such as A&R, licensing and masters operating as a single international team across eight core markets.
Our focus is clear: we aim to be the best home for songwriters and artists in the digital age.
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